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As approved by the BOGs the students of class VII to XII are required to deposit the following dues for their personal expenses.
S.No. Description: Employees Sons Regular Scheme Self Finance
1. Building Fund
(Once at the time of Admission)
Rs.5000/- Rs.5000/- Rs.5000/-
2. Messing expenses. Rs.35,000/- Rs.35,000/-
3. Washing/Cutting/Cleanliness Rs.4,000/- Rs.4,000/
4. Medical expenses. Rs.3,000/- Rs.3000/-
5. Miscellaneous expenses Rs.2000/- Rs.2000/- Rs.2000/-
6. Academic Rs 4000/- Rs.4000/- Rs.4000/-
7. Science Fund Rs.1000/- Rs.1000/- Rs.1000/-
8. Self Finance Charges - - Rs.30,000/-
9. Examination Fund Rs.1000/- Rs.1000/- Rs.1000/-
TOTAL DUES Rs.13,000 Rs.55,000 Rs.85,000
It may be mentioned here that the Government of Balochistan does not provide funds under the above-mentioned heads. The institution does not facilitate any student in terms of scholarship or freeship except merit scholarships. The students are required to afford the expenses out of their own resources.
Installment Time Regular
Students (55,000)
Self-Finance Students (85,000)
First At the time of Admission Rs 30,000/- Rs 40,000/-
Second Before 5th June Rs 15,000/- Rs 25,000/-
Third Before 5th September Rs 10,000/- Rs 20,000/-
  •   CLASS VIII to XII 
Installment Time Regular Students (50,000) Self-Finance Students (80,000)
First At the time of the Session first reporting Rs 25,000/- Rs 35,000/-
Second Before 1st June. Rs 15,000/- Rs 25,000/-
Third Before 1st September. Rs 10,000/- Rs 20,000/-